Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Whitening Trays - You Said What? | A Guide to choosing Teeth Whitening Trays

Whitening Trays - You Said What?

A Guide to choosing Teeth Whitening Trays 

Image result for confused whitening

 Let’s face it, almost every man and his dog is offering some type of teeth whitening product or service these days! Whether this be from dentists, beauty therapists, online retailers or those just attempting to take a share in the market, it’s a teeth whitening mine field.

With this comes a myriad of whitening options including choices of bleaching gels, concentrations, formulations and whitening trays. Although each have their pros and cons this guide will focus on the latter providing you with the most common Teeth Whitening Tray options available to those wishing to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their own home.

There are three types of tray options available – Thermoforming, Pre-Filled and Custom Fit Whitening Trays. We will discuss each of these below.

Thermoforming Whitening Trays

Image result for thermoform bleach trays
Thermoforming Trays
Are mouldable plastic trays which are adapted to your teeth by warming the tray in hot water and then shaped by pushing/sucking the warmed plastic over your teeth. Thermoforming Bleach Trays are the most common trays used by online or non-registered dental whitening retailers i.e. dentists tend to steer clear of this option. Teeth Whitening Gel is then applied to the trays and placed in your mouth to complete the whitening process.

They are a cost-effective alternative to visiting the dentist and are usually supplied in packets of two or three – one for your top and bottom teeth and one spare. The effectiveness of these trays is highly dependent on how well you ‘mould’ the tray to your teeth and the quality of the tray purchased – usually the price is a good indicator in reflecting the quality of the Thermoforming Tray.

Price: Under $25
Fit: Poor – Average
  • Be cautious for overly cheap options – this usually reflects the quality of the material used.
  • If you are a first-time user it may be worthwhile purchasing as spare set of trays as it can take a few attempts to get a tight, suitable fitting tray.
·         Cheap
·         Very technique sensitive – poor fit will result in a poor whitening result
·         No dentist needed, buy online
·         Poor fit can result in gum irritation or burning
·         Can be used multiple times
·         Quality of trays cannot always be guaranteed
·         Readily available
·         Not recommended by Dental Professionals

Pre-filled Whitening Trays

Image result for opalescence tray
Opalescence GO! - Pre-filled Trays
Is essentially the middle road when it comes to Teeth Whitening Tray options. The prefilled tray combines the ‘mouldable’ idea behind thermoforming trays but also contains whitening gel that is ‘in built’ into the tray. This options is great for those who are looking for utmost convenience and are short on time. The pre-filled trays (upper and lower) are placed into your mouth for the recommended wear time. Like Thermoforming Trays these are readily available and not usually endorsed by those professionally trained in teeth whitening due to the risk of poor fitting or adaptability. 

Saying this, due to increasing popularity Opalescence, developed Opalescence GO! – a very effective option combining Opalescence Whitening Gel with Prefilled UltraFit Trays which seamlessly adapt to your teeth in response to your mouth’s ‘warm environment’. This product is popular, has a strong following, is backed by Opalescence’s Worldwide reputation among Dentists and takes the ‘risk’ out of purchasing one of the many online whitening products.

Price: $20 - $150
Fit: Average – Good
  • Check to see whether the trays mould to your teeth or are one-size fits all – steer clear of the latter. 
  •  Stick with a reputable well known whitening gel or brand.  
  • Although convenient, crunch the numbers, in the long run you may find yourself paying more for each individual whitening treatment.

·         No need to purchase both trays and whitening gel
·         Each pre-filled tray is single use
·         Saves time with pre-measured and filled trays
·         Long term - may be more expensive
·         Options endorsed by dentists
·         Poor fit can result in gum irritation or burning

Custom Fit Whitening Trays

Custom Fit Trays - Customised to your mouth
This option is what your local dental practice offers, usually as a Take Home Whitening Kit. Custom Fit Trays are fabricated from an imprint or exact replica of your teeth providing the most accurate fit. This tray option tends to be the most expensive as each of your trays are customised for your mouth, constructed using specialist dental laboratory equipment, therefore, ensuring a safer, more effective whitening result and experience. Whitening gel is then applied to each of your trays and placed into your mouth for the recommended wear time. Custom Fit Trays can not only be used for teeth whitening treatments but also with other professional products such as GC Toothmousse, Pola Soothe, UltraEz and Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief Toothpaste to assist in cavity and sensitivity prevention.

Unfortunately, due to the specialist and professional nature associated with Custom Fit Trays fabrication they are usually only available from your dentist for quite a hefty price tag of usually $400 (or more). Fortunately, The House of Mouth has developed an intelligent DIY Custom Fit Tray product which allows customers to take the imprints of their teeth within the comfort of their own home. The imprints are then posted back to them; your trays are fabricated and sent back to you with your choice of whitening kit (if so desired). It’s quite simple with Complete and Tray Only Packages starting from $220.

Price: $220 - $400 (or more)
Fit: Good – Excellent
  • If visiting the dentist specifically for this option, ensure to confirm whether you must meet certain criteria e.g. they may require you to see a dentist for a check-up and clean appointment first.
  • For DIY options - be mindful of the lead time between placing your order and receiving your Custom Fit Trays. If possible, expedite your order with express shipping to reduce such issues.

·         Customised – provides the best fit
·         Cost may be a deterrent for some
·         Less whitening gel leakage onto gums
·         Not as readily available as other tray options
·         Better teeth whitening results
·         Some dentists may not permit whitening until you have had a check-up/clean
·         Safest and most reliable

·         Now available as a DIY Option

The Verdict

There are many Teeth Whitening Tray options which differ greatly in price, availability and reliability. Always do your research and be aware that not all options are the same despite many online retailers making farfetched claims. So, our two take home tips are:
  1. A tighter fitting and more customised (to your mouth) whitening tray will usually result in better and safer teeth whitening treatments.
  2. Reputation is Key - Always choose a professional whitening brand, bleaching gel and tray product. It pays to do some research before simply jumping on in.